The novel 1984 written by George Orwell is about a man named Winston Smith who lives in Airstrip One, Oceania, which was now known in the past to be London, England; it was taken over by a government called Big Brother. There are many themes being observed in this novel so far such as foreshadowing, sex, and irony. The definition of irony is the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning. Even though many examples of irony are observed in this novel, the ones that were most noticeable were the dark-haired woman and the three slogans. One example of irony that was noticeable was the irony behind the dark-haired woman. This is considered ironic because when Winston first saw her he stated that he hated her, but in his dreams he likes her. Winston’s lusted for her in his dream but knew that she was part of the Anti-Sex League. Even though she was in the Anti-Sex League in Winston’s dreams she encourages sex. It’s ironic because it contradicts itself. Another example of irony is the three slogan of the party: War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength. The first line of the slogan is ironic because Oceania is constantly at war, according to Winston. The second line of the slogan is also ironic because by not being free, no one can do anything that is not acceptable by the party. The party wants people to believe that if you are independent, you are going to fail. The third line of the slogan, being Ignorance is Strength, is ironic because Winston and his comrades fail to notice all contradictions and lies that are being fed to them by the party which is giving the party more strength over control.By paying attention to detail in a book, novel, movie, or story you can find things like irony. In the novel 1984 irony can be found in the Party’s slogan: War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength. It was ironic because for each line it contradicted itself in a way. War is the opposite of peace, freedom is the opposite of slavery, but, ignorance can be strength because in the novel the party feeds Winston and his comrade’s lies that which is giving the party more strength over control. The dark-haired woman had some irony too because of Winston having to hate here when her first laid eyes on her, but in his dreams he wanted her. Also, she was in the Anti-Sex League, but in Winston’s dreams she would encourage sex.
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